GTA is always one of the best selling games of all time

GTA has always been the leading game in the shooting game trend.


Talking about the plot, GTA V revolves around the story of 3 main characters, Franklin, Michael and Trevor, 3 thieves in the fantasy city of Los Santos - the setting of the city of Los Angeles and San Andreas - southern California.

Each character has a story of its own, but invisible in common, they have a strange connection.


These 3 characters will together stir up the wrong world, fight against hostile, even the city's police force to complete the mission.

Widely received by players, GTA V broke many sales records of the video game industry and was the fastest-selling entertainment game in history: $800 million after 1 day of release and and 1 billion dollars after 3 days of release.


It's no wonder that GTA V has gained traction and is sold with such an admirable number.

Said to be the bridge between the present and the future of video games, GTA has always been the most sought-after game of all time.

Since its launch until now, GTA has won many awards and nominations. Right from its release, GTA has won the most anticipated game award. So what makes GTA successful?

First of all, the plot, GTA is a story about 3 characters Franklin, Michael and Trevor.3 characters who thought they were dead but were actually living their own lives.

Somehow, they formed a gang of the wrong world, causing chaos and chaos in the street.

Although entangled in many controversies about the somewhat violent gameplay and depiction of women, we cannot deny the attraction of GTA.
